Getting Started with DIDComm Messaging
Here's a basic example of how to send a message using the library:
import zio._
import zio.json._
import fmgp.did._
import fmgp.did.comm._
import fmgp.did.comm.protocol.basicmessage2._
// Initialize a new message
val message = new BasicMessage(
to = Set(TO("did:example:123")),
content = "Hello, World!",
from = Some(FROM("did:example:456")),
// message: BasicMessage = BasicMessage(
// id = "8d4ec6f5-82e6-42a2-9884-f01a79632151",
// to = Set("did:example:123"),
// from = Some(value = "did:example:456"),
// lang = None,
// created_time = None,
// content = "Hello, World!"
// )
// res0: String = """{
// "id" : "8d4ec6f5-82e6-42a2-9884-f01a79632151",
// "type" : "",
// "to" : [
// "did:example:123"
// ],
// "from" : "did:example:456",
// "body" : {
// "content" : "Hello, World!"
// }
// }"""
To receive messages, you can use the following code:
Further Resources
The library's documentation The DIDComm V2 specification - ( The Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) -