Import Library

The frist step is to import the Library that you need.

Getting Started with Scala-did

To install ScalaDID in a scala project

 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did" % 0.1.0-M25+112-fd581ade-SNAPSHOT // for DID and DID Comm
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did-imp" % 0.1.0-M25+112-fd581ade-SNAPSHOT // for crypto implementation
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did-framework" % 0.1.0-M25+112-fd581ade-SNAPSHOT //for utils
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did-method-peer" % 0.1.0-M25+112-fd581ade-SNAPSHOT // for resolver of the did method `peer`
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did-method-web" % 0.1.0-M25+112-fd581ade-SNAPSHOT // for resolver the did method `web`
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did-uniresolver" % 0.1.0-M25+112-fd581ade-SNAPSHOT // for calling the resolver uniresolver

In a crossProject for the JSPlatform and JVMPlatform this should be %%% instead of %%

You can check the latest available of versions (for JVM and JS) in here:

Maven Central did Scala version support did Scala version support


Let got module by module