Setup environment

Setup an environment for quick start

The Library is published to Maven Central through sonatype maven.

scala-cli on docker

Start an isolated environment to experiment with some code samples (3/5 mins)

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/sh virtuslab/scala-cli

scala-cli repl \
  --dependency app.fmgp::did::0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT \
  --dependency app.fmgp::did-imp::0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT \
  --dependency app.fmgp::did-method-peer::0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT \

# For snapshots use
# --repo
# For releases use
# --repo

SBT setup

To install the library on sbt, you can use the following lines to your build.sbt:

 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did" % 0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did-imp" % 0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT // for the DIDComm implementation
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %% "did-resolver-peer" % 0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT // for hash utils

In a crossProject for the JSPlatform and JVMPlatform this shoud use this instead:

 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %%% "did" % 0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %%% "did-imp" % 0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT // for the DIDComm implementation
 libraryDependencies += "app.fmgp" %%% "did-resolver-peer" % 0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT // for hash utils

Coursier Download

coursier fetch app.fmgp:did_3:0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT -r sonatype:snapshots
# -r

coursier fetch app.fmgp:did_3:0.1.0-M25+136-7681053a-SNAPSHOT -r sonatype:public
# -r