Scala DID
Scala DID is a Scala/ScalaJS library for DID and DIDcomm v2.
Decentralized Identifiers (DID) are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity.
DIDComm Messaging (or just DIDComm) is a secure messaging protocol for DIDs.
This library allows you to easily integrate DID and DIDComm messaging into your application.
The one of the main goals of this library is to make DID and DIDComm v2 type safety and easy to use.
The repository also contes the LIVE DEMO (DIDComm's Sandbox) The PoC Mediator was move to the Identus Mediator where a production ready mediator is being developed and maintain.
Design Goals
Specification compliant
We tryied to follow the DID Comm Specification.
Purely Functional
The Library API is purely functional. The internal implementetion tries also to be purely functional, and any call to the dependency libory (for cryptography) encapsulates and handel the error in a Functional way. All the error are value so the user know exactly what to expect by the signatures of the methods.
Simples to use
"But I just want to send/read a message!"
- We are create a Framework to facilitate some of the mundane tasks and boilerplate code. Like to open ws connections or making http calls.
We also have an implementation for most of the DID Comm Protocalls of the official repository.